Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hiring authors!

Hey guys! I have been working really hard on the site and we are almost done! All we need so far are authors. If you'd like to apply then apply! All you have to do is fill out this form!

1. Penguin Name:

2. Email:

3. Twitter (If you have one):

4. Site Address:


6. What you would like as job (pin, catalog, EPF, cp post, ect.)

I hope you fill it out because, we need authors! There are 4 openings and the offer will close 8/16/10! Bye!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Under Construction!

My blog is under huge constuction as you guys can see. The blog will reopen by the middle of Augest! I will be rehiring authors for my blog! Thank you for understanding ~ Snow.